The Pumpkins are Coming Out........

On my way home from the Vets office I found this new display.  It made me laugh, a pleasant moment in my day.
      I had to take Molly, to the Vet today.  She has been holding her paw up and shaking it, licking her right leg, and standing 3 legged.  I became very concerned and made an appointment .
      The news was not good.  Molly has a huge tumor on the inside of her right elbow.     The vet and I decided to go for an xray.  My first thought was bone cancer.
      The good news was that the mass was not attached to her bone.    That ruled out bone cancer.   A biopsy was done on the mass.  It was soft tissue,  and could possibly be any number  of tumor types, that would continue to grow and cause discomfort.   
   Treatment:   the tumor can't be removed because it's location is very  close to the joint, it  precludes being able to close the wound.  Leg amputation is a possibility, but extreme.  The other option is to start her on some drugs that will interfere with tumors ability to divide at the cellular level, thus preventing growth and hopefully, shrinking the tumor.  It will also reduce inflammation and make her more comfortable, less pain.
       For the next month she will be treated to reduce the tumor and increase comfort.  If this works,   Removal of the tumor will become possible.   If it doesn't reduce the tumor I may consider amputation as an option.  
If that isn't possible , I will have to consider the worst.   The one thing I do know, is that I will not let her suffer, as much as it will break my heart.   
Tonight , she is more comfortable and I can only hope and pray the drug does the job.

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