Well now. Yesterday's blip and this are the result of the same event: nearby hazard-reduction burns, producing gobs of smoke. Last night it was up the hill a way, but this morning it made its way down to us. Down to all over us. Visibility was absent, and the result of my fairly short walk to work was a tight, strained feeling in the chest - almost nauseating.
Not pleasant. :-/
Anyhoo... This is what it looked like when I was walking to work. I did make it B&W, but that was just as part of my attempt to show the tree a bit more clearly and as I saw it - without losing the misty smoke. I think it worked; this is pretty accurate.
A rather intense day at times today, counterbalanced by other moments that demonstrate that sometimes we can really help people. I just wish sometimes were most times, or even just a few more times.
- 2
- 0
- Panasonic DMC-G10
- f/1.8
- 20mm
- 100
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