It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Morning Mist

After a full day Saturday picking up prescriptions for me! The super cold the boss gave me is persisting giving me an extremely tight throat and chest with a cough that just didn't stop after about 9pm at night. 
I am desperate to get better for my holiday but I felt I was losing the fight.
We only managed an hour and a half sleep so all night the drive up I was coughing so much. After 9 hours drive we made it to Mums at Fort William after several stops for photos and this was one. It was at Doune and Doune castle you can see behind the mist on the river Teith.
 I was tired and had missed an amazing sunrise at Sterling Castle with inverted cloud and the most amazing sight! This would have made a great drone shot but there was nowhere to stop to take off. 
Anyway day one and a rest day tomorrow.


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