An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

A Step Back..... time.

My mum has been sorting out her photo albums, which I must add has been a long and arduous task. My dad, in his younger days took lots and lots of photos (must be where I get it from) so it has taken her quite some time and quite some years!

She showed me this picture.....not sure who took it, dad was not on the scene at this time.

The tiny little girl at the front is my ma, I looked just like her here when I was the same age. Next to her is my great aunt (one of mum's 2 aunties). Who, funnily enough mum looked liked when she was the same age.

The lady to the far right is my grandmother, I never knew her very well, we moved here when I was very young and she passed away when I was a kid, it pains me a little as I write this. I know she was a great woman.

She is holding my uncle, who is such a laugh ;)

The lady with her hands on mum's shoulders is my grandmother's best friend.....I had the chance to meet her several times, she was an awesome lady and though she was so frail and in her old age had lost her hearing she was still so full of life and laughter ;)

I got to see how my granny might have been through her eyes.
She passed away in 2011 and it broke my heart.....

I am trying to hold back the tears as I write this; photos are amazing things.....must NEVER stop taking photographs!!!!


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