Duck Duck Go

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Joshua and I visited Loulou and Tiger this afternoon. Ostensibly to see their new deck, which is very impressive. More importantly it increases the space around their cottage, allowing them to relocate their laundry. 

Loulou is VERY happy. You can tell. She loves her new deck (see extra).

However. Can we just get it out of our systems now? The "deck" jokes. Yes, you know what I am talking about. And - funnily enough - no-one seems to love them more than Kiwis. They were joking about decks at work on Friday too - in a conversation unrelated to Loulou's pride and joy. 

So let's just do this thing right now. Get it all out of your system. Yes, Loulou has been talking about Tiger's impressive deck. Yes, we all took turns sitting on it. Yes, his deck is more impressive than mine. Yes, my deck is covered in moss. And yes, Loulou has been sending everyone she knows deck pics. Yes, yes and yes.

Honestly. You people. 

We also got to talking about Bhutan. Which is a country that Loulou and Tiger visited soon after they first got together. It sounds like a fun place. They only recently adopted democracy, under international pressure to do so. But apparently people really LOVED their king and wanted him to stay on.

"It's not like in Thailand where people carry around the king's picture and INSIST they love him," said Loulou. "They genuinely seemed to like him."

But in case you think this is an argument for royalty, bear in mind that not all royals are respectable and likable. Apparently his brother was "the naughty uncle" of the country and spent millions building a secret casino in the mountains. 

"What have you been working on?" asked the king, apparently.
"Errrrr... it's a nunnery..." said his brother.

But then it opened with roulette wheels and bars. And the king stepped in and forced him to convert it into a nunnery. Presumably with roulette wheels and bars.

The other thing about Bhutan is this: penises. They are everywhere, as a result of The Divine Madman, a 16th century monk who believed in the power of the willy to drive away evil spirits. Which is why there are penises painted all over the place in Bhutan. "Some of them even have wings," added Loulou.

"It never stopped being funny," said Tiger. "We've got so many dick pics from our time in that country."

Oh whoops. We are back here again. Sorry. 

So I shall close off this entry with pictures of the orphans. Two mallard chicks that Loulou has taken to feeding. They marched across L&R's garden while we were sitting there and peep-ed to be fed.

It's not the same as Loulou's previous little ducky friend Boots. Because Boots was attached to Loulou and sat on her and was her friend. These are more like orphaned ducklings who still get about and take care of themselves, and don't wish to be picked up and cuddled.

Still, Loulou just loves them and you must admit, they are awfully cute.

So here is your duck pic for the day. 

Do you see what I did there?


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