Gardening shoes

They are falling apart but still useful in the garden. For derelict Sunday ( thanks Marlieske)

Extra is the first flower on my tiny new camellia ( called C.M. Hovey makes me wonder who CM Hovey was). I did have two flowers a month ago but they fell off before opening. I was a bit sad at the time but really pleased with this today. It will be gorgeous when it has grown higher than my knee. The description says ‘an old , popular, variety with formal double vivid crimson flowers’. A reasonable description of what I have. I have alkaline soil and it’s hard to change it to acid ( easier to make acid more alkaline with some lime). I have read if you add lots of compost to the soil it can help so fingers crossed I can have success. I make my own compost of course. 

The date is the 10th of the 10th. This may not mean anything to people but is a date I hated for years. On 10/10/10 I had an attack of BPPV ( vertigo) I was terribly sick and it took until January before I could stand up and walk without falling over. I used to think vertigo was a ‘bit dizzy’ but this was the worst think that has happened to me. If there was a gun handy I would have used it. The specialist in Sydney said it was one of the worst attacks he had seen - eventually cured by going into an Omniax machine. There was only one in the Southern Hemisphere and although the treatment felt like torture it fixed me up after 6 sessions. Have a look on the net if you like odd machines. I couldn’t sit, stand or lie down for 3 months. 

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