The chimneys

Decided to go for a short walk but take coffee and sandwiches as it was such a nice morning but rain forecast.
I wasn’t very happy at the way a car had been parked so close to the back of mine that I would not be able to open the boot. After rattling on for a while I decide it was not moving so opened the front door to move mine and found Jess tied to our oil pipe, it did make me smile. Not ideal but she didn’t move so not a problem. We had a chat and I moved my car and got what I wanted out of the boot.
We walked up to the chimneys, only 4K each way and lovely walk. Today cycling seemed to be popular, it’s usually horses if we see anyone.
Finished my book this afternoon, I will be reading something a bit more modern next. No computers, mobile phones or DNA make solving crime guesswork.
Saturday evening so it will be something with subtitles on the box.

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