Remember yesterday's path..
A huge low loader pulled up beside the bottom of the drive, and this massive beast rolled off. It slowly made its way up the drive and continued past us up the hill. There are masses of trees on this huge farm but the areas where logging would take place are quite some distance away.
So what is this beast?
Some of you will know exactly what this is. But I did have to look it up. It's a harvester. You can gauge its size by the driver in his cab. Basically it grabs a tree near its base with that contraption on the end and saws it off at the base. Still holding the tree which now falls over it proceeds to draw the tree through itself stripping off all the branches and automatically cutting it into similar sized length logs. All of this in about a minute.
There are plenty of videos around if you want to see them in action.
Anyway this beast went along the path you saw yesterday. The track is cut into the hillside with a slate bank on one side and a steep drop on the other.
Later on we saw it working about half a mile away higher up. I think just doing some general clearance work.
I don't suppose hiring this beast with a couple of operators comes cheap!
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