Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

{School award}

Izzy got another award at school. It's the "oustanding effort award" She received it for "the superb effort you have put into your learning all term"

I am so utterly proud of her. This is the 3rd award she has got from school, which for a chid who just a few months ago was having a real confidence crisis and saying "I am the most rubbish person at everything at school" is just amazing.

Her confidence is growing and growing and with that she is learning more and talking to adults so they can see how she is progressing.

For reference in the future, Mrs Holbrook and Mrs Shildrick reccomended you for this award and it was presented to you in the school assembly by Mrs Cornwell and Reverend Pat.

You are reading your books at school and at home now and need very little sounding out at this level. You write all day long and I often find lists of names all over our home!
You frequently come home with stickers for your mathmatics and phonics, but you are definatly loving maths at the moment. You make number sequeneces by yourself and often get your compare bears out to make sums!

So utterly proud of you my gorgeous little girl!!!

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