Fuchsia microphllya Pink
The hard prune & tidy up plus feed has paid dividends.
I walked Yogi, packed the car, sent a message to his owners that I was heading off. Ping! They had to make a detour on their way home from their hols to visit a very sick uncle "Could I drop Yogi into Newton Abbot?" I turned the car around, picked Yogi up, dropped him in town, then headed to CK to walk Indie.
Had my flu jab in Chudleigh at noon, then home, unpack all my gubbins from the car, put everything away, made lunch, then it was time to head back to Newton Abbot for my PCR test at the race course. Quick & painless, just very tickly. The lovely young nurse was very chirpy. Next Tesco's to grab steaks & a litre of whisky for hubby.
We popped into a couple of car sales areas in around Newton Abbot looking for a new car for hubby. His car was hit while parked roadside by our house. The drivers insurance company did'nt even want to inspect the car, offering him a cash settlement. They picked the car up today. He gets a courtesy for 7 days.
I did a bit of deadheading, & seed collecting in the garden when we returned. It's been really mild the last couple of days, very pleasant.
Thank you for your kind comments, stars, & hearts for my 1000th blip yesterday. It's been fun, & occasionally challenging. Looking forward to the next 1000. :-D
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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