jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Steve had one of his moments this afternoon, and bought and downloaded the technical manual for our cameras, took his apart, figured out what was wrong (exactly what we thought was wrong in fact), fixed it, fixed my camera, and now we have working cameras again which don't have dodgy focussing issues and all the dials work too (amazing what hoovering out the dust can do!!)!


So we had fun taking pictures of the boys, and each other, mucking around in their bedroom this afternoon, in the fading light. Bean wanted me to take this picture of him hanging on to his ladder on his bed. He spent most of the time yelling "take a picture of me, daddy!!" then running away or hiding under the bed! Bear just got on with practising climbing up the ladder. He can't do it by himself yet but his determination is incredible.

He had a massive bump to the head this morning. Tripped, and fell headlong into a corner of a wall. Arnica to the rescue, made it less awful by the time we got out to our Tuesday tots group. Bean had a meltdown while I was mopping up Bear's snot from all his crying - he wanted to help, he wanted to bring me the tissues, but he dropped his plane and he really really wanted his plane to bring me the tissues and couldn't reconcile the two things in his head (he couldn't reach the plane) and just went into meltdown. Poor kid. He just stopped. He couldn't process the fact that he couldn't reach his plane with one hand, didn't want to put the tissues down to reach it, all he could think of was what he wanted to do and the fact that he couldn't do it.

Thankfully, all the crying stopped with the procurement of breakfast.

I managed to have coffee at tots. I loved my coffee this morning.

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