Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


When I was a child I used to emulate my dad. For instance, he’d do things like open the pantry, unscrew the lid of the peanut butter, and scoop out a portion with his finger. Naturally, I would sometimes do the same. I know, it’s gross.

This afternoon I needed to stop at Walgreens to buy a case of water for my trip. I wasn’t in any hurry, so I wandered around the store taking pictures of a lot of silly or remarkably stupid things on the shelves.

Of the most idiotic possible items in that store, was this jar of chocolate putty, supposedly a toy. It’s labeled for ages 4+ but nowhere on the package does it say “nontoxic/toxic”, “not for human consumption” or give emergency directions if swallowed. Four-year-old Laurie would be sticking her finger into that stuff, pulling out a glob and eating it as if it was her dad‘s peanut butter.

I’ll be working on the results of this week’s mono Monday and posting them tomorrow (my Friday). There were a ton of entries and it’s amazing how much I learned.

Check the extras for a couple other examples I found on the magazine rack. Which of the two would you pay $12.99 and who would need 1kg (2.2 lbs) of the third? This is not Costco!!

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street…with a bald head and a beer gut…and still think they’re sexy.

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