NO doggies allowed!!!

Today's big walk took us to 'St Michaels Mount'. We parked the car at Marazion and then walked through the fields to Perranuthnoe and back along the coastal path to Marazion. When we got back to Marazion the tide was about an hour from low tide so Ann said, 'Trixie, lets walk across the causeway and have a mooch around the gardens before we go back to the car.'

…..............Best laid plans and all that!......................

We walked across the causeway and it was actually quite busy with lots of people heading too and from the Mount. I was trotting along off my lead in 'good dog mode' because I'd found a manky old tennis ball. And when I have something in my mouth I never do any of my silly puppy jumping up. I just walk by Ann's heels in perfect pooch mode. Ann vaguely thought it was odd that there were hardly any other doggies heading to and from the Mount because everyone who comes on holiday here seems to have two or more dogs but she didn't dwell on the fact.........................

…....................Until we got to the end of the causeway and a big blackboard stated that no one was allowed into the house or gardens unless they had pre-booked. Perhaps things aren't back to normal in Cornwall after all??!! And there was a very lovely 'National Trust' man who said that doggies weren't allowed on the Mount. Ann wasn't bothered. She just told 'very lovely man' that she hadn't booked anyway and we were just out for a walk so we turned around and walked back. Not before we'd overheard someone else moaning that doggies weren't allowed and asking when that rule came into effect. Apparently it was two years ago?!! When Ann first got 'MollyCollie', she'd walk over there a few times a year.

Anyway our walk today was almost 5 miles long and for most of that time I was off my lead and as I said earlier, I found another manky old tennis ball. Yay!

This afternoon was taken up with the 'guttering man' visiting us again. This has been an on-going saga since we returned to St Ives at the beginning of September but hopefully it's all sorted now.

After he left, I got another little walk and a play in the field but I'm back in my bed snoozing again now. Ann was supposed to be doing another 'Kangoo Jump' class tonight but it's been cancelled...................... So the question is..............................

….....................Is she going to spend the evening drinking wine OR is she going to take me for an extra walk????????????????????

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