Well, Hello There

A tiny praying mantis nymph sitting on the base of my thumb after I’d rescued it from a bucket I was filling with water. It would be nice to think it was gazing up at me with gratitude, but more likely it was looking at its own reflection in my camera lens.

I was very surprised to see it because I have not found any praying mantis egg cases in the vicinity. The hatching is a bit early and the chances of survival are slight. I put it in the greenhouse on a parsley plant that is infested with greenfly. Shelter and a source of food is the best I can do for it.

I drove to Christchurch to do my shopping today, for the first time in 11 weeks. I was beginning to think I’d never have the nerve to do it again. Didn’t do much and kept to the nearest part of the city. Still, I’m worn out. It was a very warm spring day.

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