Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Standing out in the crowd...

This little fella... I dragged Tit's McGee on another four mile hike in the freezing wind as I said I have never ever blipped a lamb,so hop to it and get in the car,where upon I drove her once more unto the breech..actually I drove her to Milcote..... she's a good ol'egg and joined in and even sang some songs from the shows for me.
I had my hair cut today and I had it cut quite short for me !!! I do like it,well let's see how it is when I dry it for myself ;)

Today I dedicate this Blip to Moonchops my big fat chopped girlfriend,it is a year ago today since Big Jim her Dad passed away ..... I know Big Jim liked a good lamb chop so he can have this blip...

rubbish apologies to you vegetarians or non meat eaters who eat fish flesh as I forget what you are called..... (this includes my Mother) mind you she still shouts 'Mint sauce' when she see's lambs.

Here endeth my kindness for this month x <<< Shakespearian accent.

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