Baby Red
Yes, the squirrels and birds, plus felines, chipmunks and humans can all agree on one thing this first Monday of October, the sun. Not only did we all wake to sunshine this morning, we enjoyed its warmth all day through. For now it appears the cycle of never ending miserably chilly and drizzly days has been broken. Yay! • It felt so good to wander about the yard with the camera in my hand. Chickadees, Nuthatches and Titmice were busy eating seeds; chipmunks and gray squirrels and bluejays kept busy hoarding; a hawk of some kind flew through the yard before I could identify it; and I believe I saw a female yellow-rumped warbler for the first time! • We dumped several pots of soil leftover from growing geraniums, cucamelon and pepper plants into the garden, tipped birdbaths, removed wind chimes, unhooked garden hoses - some of our annual fall / pre-winter chores • During our movie fest yesterday we made some vegan dark chocolate chip and pecan bars…oh, my, are they yummy :)
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