Black Sheep
As in baa, baa. This little night light contraption has helped both our early bird children, know when it is the middle of the night and when it is time to get up.
We bought it for Carys after a summer of 5am or earlier wakenings and with W on the way I needed more sleep. It took a little time but she eventually got the idea of staying in bed until the top half with the awake sheep lit up.
At Christmas C bequeathed Black Sheep (and yes I know the one in the picture isn't black but since when did a two year old have logic), to W as she was big enough to get a proper clock and be told what time she was allowed to get up. Surprisingly, considering W's sleeping issues, he has taken to it really well. He doesn't get up until Black Sheep has woken up and telling him to "look at Black Sheep, he's still asleep, it's still the middle of the night", works well to calm him in the night. Definately some of the best money we have spent.
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