Patrick .....

..... Love.

This afternoon I've had a trip in to Leeds to buy some new trousers for work. I've managed to wear holes in the pocket lining of most of my trousers no not by too much fiddling due to carrying numerous sets of keys, my wallet and phone in them.

First stop was the chippy in the market for a late lunch of fish, chips and mushy peas and then I had a wander around the market buying some live food for my axolotls and some fruit and veg for myself. Whilst in the market I spotted Patrick Love here and asked him if I could take his photo. We had a nice chat about all his roasary beads and feathers ( I didn't ask him about his glittery nail polish ) and I showed Patrick a few of my previous Leeds portrait blips.

After the market I popped in to H&M to buy a couple of pairs of trousers for work, in and out in 5 minutes ( of the shop, not the trousers ) and then headed up to Jumbo Records to buy a couple of gig tickets to see Ed Harcourt at Trinity Church in a couple of months. All the gigs I've been to in Trinity church have been amazingly beautiful, so I'm really looking forward to that one ( Ed's gigs are always great ). Whilst in Jumbo I took another portrait of a Rocker, aptly called Billy, I've added that and a couple of other shots from today on my Flickr photostream.

I've been invited for tea ( dinner ) at the P's this evening, so will catch up on blips tomorrow. As I enjoyed my chat with him, today's blip is .....

..... Patrick Love.

Leeds Market, the series.

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