Borderlines Day 2

Our second day at the Book Festival. Not such a busy day today. After breakfast at the house, we checked out and headed for our first event. This was to hear about the latest book by Caitlin Davies called Queens of the underworld about female crooks dating back to the 17th century. These infamous women are largely unknown. How different it would have been had they been men! The sad part is that the book is not available in audio so I can’t read it.
After this we had a long gap so we started doing some geocaching. Shortly after this the heavens opened and we headed indoors for lunch. Fortunately the sunshine returned and we had an interesting tour around Carlisle. Our last event was about Dorothy Wordsworth , the little known sister of William. I thought this would be quite interesting, but the two presenters seemed to have quite similar views so it wasn’t quite as interesting as I had hoped. It seems that Dorothy has been largely ignored by the world unless it was linked to her brother, but now her work is going to be published so that will be interesting.
After this we returned home, very pleased to have once again been to a book festival after a long (Covid induced) gap.
My blip is of Carlisle Castle between rain showers.

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