Catkins And Shield Bug

I thought I was going to Berwick today, but BB’s rugby game had been changed quite late in the day to a home match.  That meant we all stayed in bed much longer than we should have done.  TT gave BB a lift down to pre-match training.  He then had a virtual open day to deal with, so once I had dug out my boots, scarf and coat,  I wandered down to provides some support. The game had already started when I got there and I couldn’t see BB on the pitch, nor his friend T.  To be honest all teenage boys look the same to me on the pitch and it often takes me  a while to differentiate them.  Eventually I spotted BB and T on the side-lines.  T had injured his knee in training and had an ice pack on it, and BB had injured his back in training, on top of his hamstring injury.  Another team mate who broke his wrist in last week’s game came down to support.  They are falling like flies.  With so many players missing, the game wasn’t going their way.  I wandered off to the supermarket before the end to pick up some things for lunch.
After his virtual open day, TT headed off to a memorial service for a colleague.  I made a pot of soup – minestrone and it did include a courgette.  I then went for a walk around by the farm and home by our new supermarket for a couple of things.  It was packed.  I am sure it will calm down soon, but is a huge improvement.   It was then home for some chores and to read the paper.  
TT was on tea and cooked one of my favourite curries – prawn and courgette.  Unfortunately he was rather heavy handed with his home grown chillies – it was very spicy.  BB and I struggled, but eventually cleared our plates. 
Later we retreated to the sofa for some TV watching.
I spotted these hazel catkins when I was out this afternoon – complete with shield bug.

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