Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Welcome To The Party, Pal

Lovely day today as Matt & Adam popped over for a board game extravaganza! We started with Shot In The Dark, a trivia card game that I did not win (:P), before moving onto TMNT Uno, which I also didn't win but also technically didn't lose, so you know, I'm counting that as a good outcome! After that we busted out Trogdor The Board Game, a co-op game in which we all played as Trogdor, attempting to burninate the whole board. We won the first round of this quite easily because I had a cheat card which meant I could basically do whatever I wanted each round so I just kept replenishing our dragony health by chomping on peasants. We took that card out for the second round, and still won, huzzah! Next we played King of Tokyo, both rounds of which I lost spectacularly (first one out in the first round, almost dead and with barely any victory points when Matt won the second.) After a brief pause to shove a load of pizza in our faces, we cracked on with Die Hard: The Nakatomi Heist game. I was originally not keen on playing this because I suuuuck at strategy games, and I managed to be the unlucky sod that rolled to play as John McClane against Matt, Adam & Rich as thieves, but actually it was a lot easier to pick up than I thought. Once you understand the mechanics of the board, all the cards tell you exactly how you can move or which actions you can take, so it's mostly then just down to you strategising. I managed to get through Acts I and II, and lost with just one move left in Act III! In each of the three acts you have objectives; in the first 2 the objectives give you rewards that help you in the next act, and in the last one you just have to achieve 3 objectives before the thieves can activate the detonators to win. After being one move away from achieving the final objective, "throw Hans Gruber out of the window", I learned I should've killed more of the thieves on my way to Hans. D'oh! It was very much fun though, especially considering I was sure I was going to be crap and fluff it in Act I!

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