Get by Withers little help from My friend

Amalarian used to say to me, ‘don’t listen to That Withers Woman’ she’s as mad as a box of frogs.

I listened to Amalarian on most things, but daftly I disregarded her advice on ‘that Withers woman’.

Today she was on route to Leeann’s in Edinburgh .. and had demanded to see my beach; I couldn’t say no.

Leeann turned up ahead of time and charmed Himself on the sofa whilst I busied
Myself preparing snacks.

She descended upon the town, pink hair and matching pink fur jacket with her perfectly saintly pal DDLC, or Po as she has taken to Calling her.

She peed in my toilet, scared my husband into the bedroom, ate all my food, farted quite a bit and then demanded to be entertained.

I took her round the back and up the hill… over the top; I was delighted that they ooo’d at the view.

Then I took them to see the highland Moos who were too far away .

Then we drove by the allotment and the rugby pitch down past the beautiful big houses; and parked on the beach car park (free)….

We gambolled over the sands, took selfies and laughed.

We walked up to the shops and then the fun began. The shops in Troon had never experienced anything like this.

They were in every independent shop in the town; declaring loudly that this shop was the best shop in the town, that their products were the best products.

The shopkeepers loved them … there was so much laughter. I have never heard so much joy in the shops. It rippled along the street, as they dived in and out of Each shop, leaving the each shop better off in
Both Income and heart.

I don’t think they knew what had hit them.

When we finished emptying the shops we took a drive round the harbour and we stopped to see if The seals were there; and we were in luck.

They decamped from the car and we spent twenty minutes or so enticing some very over fed, sleepy seals towards us.

I may have disregarded Amalarian’s advice
But I’m really glad I did.

There is no doubt the woman is completely barking; but if you want someone on your side, this is the woman to have.

She speaks her mind , stands up for the underdog. defends the weak, and takes the total rip out of her closest friends and allies.

You have to completely let go in her company, by the end of the afternoon I was squealing as loud as she was and ohh the laughter as i packed them in the car and told them all to feck off.

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