
By DancingAly


I'm posting this from yesterday, as it's been raining all day, and I haven't even left the house! 

As it was my last day on my own of sorts, I did my jobs, and the relaxed on the sofa all day, watching an old favourite -Only Fools and Horses. It always reminds me of my Gramps :-) 

Little Ro had to pick up S, N and Looby-Doo from the station as they were retuning from their holiday, and so popped in for a cup of tea and a crumpet, and to drop off the dog. She has no heating, and felt it was too cold for the pooch. She also wants to paint her house (again!) next week, so wants to be shot of him! 

Hopefully the weather will be a  bit brighter tomorrow. 

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