Swanbister (Day 2338)

A fairly busy day today started with the usual morning wander up the hill with Sigyn as the sun started to colour the sky (extra).
Next a trip to town for the weekly shop, then home for breakfast and then a couple of hours in the kitchen batch cooking various stuff.
After a bit of lunch I took Sigyn along to Swanbister for a walk around the Orphir coast. It was a grand, sunny walk despite the strong wind and having actually taken my camera I was able to massively overpolarise the sky.
Back home to feed Sigyn and stir various pots of stuff on the stove, then off out to Stromness with  my beautiful wife when she came home from work. We took a very quick turn out on George and Red as the wind rose and the darkening sky threatened rain. 
All in all, a good day. 

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