Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Energy crisis...

It was a nithering, flesh withering 9c when I stuck my face outside this morning.  But it wasn't a problem because I had to take my beloved out for her booster jab so I turned the boiler off for a couple of hours and turned the car heater up.  Unfortunately in the short time we were away the rain was incessant and the wind blew up  - actually it blew down - through the flues, floorboards, slates and gaps in the windows.  

We returned to a rather cool house and I was instructed by the jab invigorated task master to ‘sort it out’.  I reluctantly turned the heating on again but by lunchtime it was obvious our slow breathing, low burning, rattling oiler wouldn't have the house warmed up until Monday.  I would say it's a large house but MrsDB would tell anyone who has a few hours to spare that it's because I'm a cheapskate who won't spend money turning up the necessities of life like coal, oil and electric until after blackberry week. 

Roll on March 1st when I can turn it back down again.

“Throw another peasant on the fire…”

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