
By LurlineStill

The Mighty hunter scavenger.

An old wallaby leg bone. She sniffed it out in the bushland next to the beach.  I let her chew on it a while till we got moving again. She seemed very pleased with herself. 
Lousy photos I know. I was just interested in a quick snap as a record really.

We are out of lock down which is great yet so very many people out and about.  On our dusk walk wondered into a small outdoor market I had  forgotten was on. Not a lot of social distancing going on, very few masks. I donned mine on.  Not hard to do.

This is a party town at night and I imagine lots of people will be letting loose tonight. Super glad I don't feel that need. Happy for a home dinner and a DVD (an almost redundant recording/viewing platform ). I am always late to adopt new technology. Do many still have records I wonder?

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