New Space

First of all, I dropped J’s bag off at the reception of her ward. She’s really looking forward to it arriving - I hope I’ve got everything in there.

Then I headed to Manchester. I was struggling for ideas for J’s birthday, which is now 5+ weeks ago. I got there in the end. There is still one to be sorted. We’ve two watercolours by an artist based in Manchester’s Craft and Design Centre which we love. So I’ve asked if she can paint another one for Holly. It’s taken her a little time as she’s been focussing on a commission for IKEA. But she sent us some images by email a couple of weeks ago, and one we really liked. But I wanted to see it before going further, so that’s what this trip is about.

It’s really good, so S will mount and frame. I took a pic of S standing by the painting, and sent it to J. That might have been my blip, but I hadn’t talked about sharing the image elsewhere, so I think not.

Instead, this view, as I came out of the car park on the Salford bank of the Irwell. It’s a new open space, which I think works really well. The route through the railway viaduct is also new. The viaducts are real barriers, creating walkways through is great.

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