Puddle hunting

I had the day off today :)  Got lots of leave to use up before the end of the year (and Tim doesn't have so much), so I decided to just have an easy day.  Got up very slowly, then spent quite a bit of the day writing cards and buying gifts for various people (which I've been meaning to do for ages).  Played a bit of PS4 this afternoon, then handed the controller to Tim when he finished work.  I then headed up to the post office (made it with about five minutes to spare before they closed), and then on to the heath.  After a very rainy morning (so rainy Tim couldn't go for his usual early morning bike ride), I was pretty sure there should be a few good puddles around.  There weren't as many - and they weren't as big - as I'd expected, but they still made for some nice sunny reflections.

Still feeling pretty exhausted at the moment, so didn't go too far - looped back via the pond, and then home.  Now to start the weekend with Tim :)

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