Stuck in a Queue
Another routine day, complete with visit to the hospital. It was as I was leaving the hospital that I got caught in this traffic jam. For whatever reason the traffic lights remained stubbornly on red, causing the traffic to build up behind the bus in the distance.
In this day and age you expect traffic lights to be controlled through sensors in the road to know when vehicles are waiting to pass. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to work for the bus. We waited and waited, the traffic building up, without any change from red. In the end I got out of the car and walked down to the bus and offered to check the road to see if it could pull out. As soon as he did so, the lights changed, so I had to rush back to my car, before I was the cause of the jam.
Three treatments to go. I was chatting to one of the senior radiologists today who has warned me that the side effects could build up after the end of the treatment. I’d raised some concern that I had begun to suffer, which was frustrating so close to the end of treatment. Still he was complementary, saying that I’d coped well with the treatment and not to worry,
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