
I was finished with the marking mid-morning, including having to interact with yet another ghastly system called OSCAR.

But, all done (hurrah!), I ran away to the allotment for some fresh air. Fed the blighters and grubbed about a bit - noticing that a couple of the sunflower plants (I doubt the flowers will make it to an open state) were in need of supporting stakes, I was putting one in next to this one (the big hairy thing is the sunflower stalk) when I noticed a tiny creeper twining up it. Assuming an invasive weed (the beds are full of 'em), I was about to rip it off when I realised that it was merely a side tendril from the painted ladies who are on a teepee next door. So it's a tiny runner bean, making its way up a huge hairy sunflower stalk.

D came by an unexpected ticket for the re-scheduled fitba' in Kirkcaldy, so went across to Fife. Another non-thrilling draw - but at least a goal each this time.

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