
One of those days that didn't go to plan at all.
KK not feeling well again so off school, that meant that I felt I needed to book him a PCR test. Took me an hour on the phone and a trip to Tarbert to do the PCR in the car, I got myself one at the same time just to be sure. It was all a bit more stressful than I thought so no photos this time.
Then a visit to the flat to look at the cistern which needed a plumber, I seem to have temporarily fixed it which is good and it was good to catch up with my tenant again. On my way back I met one of the local dog walkers with the lovely Toby who sat nicely for his photo and was the only photo I took today.
I am now trying to have a peaceful evening before facing another day. and whatever that may bring as life seems a little chaotic at present.

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