Fallen hero

Many of my friends have openly commented about how the BBC has become less than trustworthy on the news front.  The BBC for me has always been a pillar of the community, seeing as my dad spent most of his working life in and out of Pebble Mill, and so I took these comments with a pinch of salt.  Today that changed with a single lie. 
The news report on the radio was commenting on the "supply chain issues" that Britain is suffering from - true (although shortages have possibly been fanned by over enthusiastic reporting) and went on to say that these problems are also an issue for the EU...erm...really?  Would that be the same EU that Germany is a part of?  Where I'm sitting now?  Where the supermarkets shelves are full and the petrol stations are all open and without queues?
Please keep your hype and lies on your side of the channel, we have no need for that here.

On a happier note I told my Germans a joke today:  What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison?

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