
By bgleyna


Not the best picture I took today as we walked round London in the ‘on-off’ rain, but there is another side to all the glamour and bright lights of the city. This ‘Big Issue’ seller was taking a nap. Another one had made a cosy-ish bed for himself out of a big cardboard box!
Our guide round London was our niece, Katy, who works as a chef at a very down to earth little restaurant with excellent food in the heart of the city, called Andrew Edmonds, I had a pre-dinner drink called ‘Negroni Sbagliato’, which was a new one for me - basically with white wine instead of gin - very good. My appetizer was Leeks with a creamy Gorgonzola sauce and hazelnuts and David’s was Duck Confit. My main was Gnocchi with Roast Pumpkin and Cavallo Nero and David had Shoulder of Lamb with Chickpeas and Fennel. I was too full for dessert but David had Baked Cheesecake with Blackberry Compote and an espresso.
After all that, we caught the train back to The Duke, waiting safely and patiently for us in a car park in Tonbridge.
We then spent the night in our strangest spot yet - in the Services near Folkestone, so we could be close to our next adventure early the next morning - the crossing on the Channel Tunnel!

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