Leith Primary
A note from David. He's pretty much spot on.
Today was a weird day, nice morning with the kids, work, shopping at lunch, work, migraine, no painkillers, Boots to get some, mmmmmm mild codeine, Chinese supermarket, pick kids up, home, tea, letter telling me I'm in arrears with credit card, I knew this but it still put me in a foul mood, pointless argument on Facebook with siblings about something which was completely misinterpreted, utterly splendid stir fry which Rose ate and David loved "I LOVE this, Dad", thank fuck for them, Simpsons, books, bed. Then, watched Live & Smoking by Richard Pryor. I think he's my favourite comedian ever. So, hilarious, tragic, self effacing, sharp. Makes me sad & happy at the same time. Bonus; had a good chat with one of my siblings, dunno, was it good? Yeah. Better than keeping it all in. That's why people end up dead and misunderstood. Lack of communication. Too much of dat shit.
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