Feel The Love

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I am feeling very loved today. It is a nice feeling.

My day started by taking Corrie and Shenée out for breakfast. It was -  because I sense you judging me - a working breakfast. But all the same, a very nice way to start one's working morning.

After this, Fazzy arrived, telling me that her children LOVED their letter and were very excited that it came with a magic feather from Shenée's parrot, Keplar. 

Now I have to write a story about a magic feather. This, I can do.

Then Ellie arrived with Aubrey! Who came into our team meeting with us. She puttered around the meeting room quite happily, playing with the balloons*. This was way more interesting than talking about Operation Fluffing** so I got on the floor and played with her. And she LOVES me now!

I felt very special. Ellie had to leave halfway through the meeting because of a presentation for another of her colleagues. And poor Aubrey looked so sad that I wasn't going with her. 

So sad indeed, that she SHOVED the meeting room door back open after she left, and tried to come back in again! It took four adults to take the protesting little girl away!

Now then. You may be wondering, "Is this the same person who was so GRUMPY about work just a week ago?"

No, no, it really isn't. And this despite the fact that I had to sit through a TWO AND A HALF HOUR workshop with our wankery vendors today. But yet, I feel better because when I wrote my grumpy entry last week, I was feeling a little bit alone. I felt like the rest of the team didn't see the wankery vendors as I saw them and was seriously worried that I was going to have to deal with the sh*t on my own. 

But I was wrong. I am not alone. The rest of the team are fully with me, as evidenced by one of them saying out loud, to the wankery vendors, during the two and a half hour workshop, the actual words, "Maybe I'm cynical but I have to ask if you've actually read your own document? I mean, what have you been doing for the last month?" 

Ahhhhhh, that felt good. 

All the same, I was very tired as I headed back to my desk to pack up today. But there I got a surprise hug from Shenée and a lovely chat about how much she appreciated me. I was quite taken aback. 

And finally, on my return home, I've had big cuddles from my beautiful Caro and from my little guy Jasper. 

I couldn't be grumpy if I tried. And believe me, I have tried. 


* This would be the balloons for our showroom that I talked about last week. As it turns out, we have to take them all down because - I am not kidding - we have TWO staff members who suffer from globophobia.

** Operation Fluffing is the name for Shenée's super-secret schemes and stratagems to counter our wankery vendors being wankery. She has been effing amazing lately. "If THEIR project manager can't run this effing installation then I'LL effing do it," she growled. 

Honestly, it makes me so happy.

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