pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

today is the greatest day i've ever known

Well, at least it was my favourite feeling: that of getting my backpack, ol' Beastie, out. Wiped it down a bit as it was still pretty muddy from when I went camping in Wales with the kids last year. I've made a pile of clothes and stuff for Japan and starting to get pretty excited now! I've also sorted out all my accommodation now, apart from the first two nights in Tokyo, when I'm supposedly staying with a couch surfer who hasn't got back to me giving me directions to his place! Uh oh......last minute hotel booking in Tokyo probably ain't much fun!

On a different note, have had the most productive day ever in school as I was out of class all day sorting out my subject leader stuff. Got so much done and was just the kick up the backside I needed!

3 more days...!!

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