
By cj308

Nano Nanoo

This Blip has taken a strange turn of events...

I had planned to give you a history of this little device of mine, I had the outline of the story in my head, just ready to sit down at the pc tonight and flesh it out into a rather amusing tale best enjoyed with a glass of wine.

hmmm, I'll not deny you of the pleasure.

The year was 2006, it was a fine year. 2005 was the polar opposite. I decided to take the plunge and get into technology, see what all the fuss was about. Got a laptop and hooked up to the interweb. I stumbled onto a website called Yahoo Answers and met some amazing people, many of whom I still have contact with, an amazing group of people.

Next I'd decided to get away for a holiday, to bugger off myself with no ties, recharge the batteries. Portugal it was, more precisely Estoril a little seaside town a short train ride from Lisbon, it was the best of both worlds for me, I'm not much a laying about on the beach all day holiday person, I like to get out and about and explore, so I had the option of getting into the amazing city of Lisbon for some culture. I got everything sorted, all was well, aoart from one thing.

Music!, what was going to keep my ears company on the flight, in those moments of sitting on the beach relaxing in the early morning sun? The tough descision of what cd's to pack, I couldn't carry a bag full of cds around with me, let alone pick just a few to take. It would be impossible on both counts.

Having started to upload my collection onto the laptop (which took me a month to do, and I ran out of space on the hard disc), I decided to take a bite from the poisoned apple, I was halfway there on my digital conversion, why not go the whole hog? So down town I went, got myself the new Nano in a lovely shade of metallic green, a happy man was I, my dreams had been answered, I could put hundreds of songs on this little contraption, I had my cd collection at my fingertips. Great! now just to decide on the hundreds of songs to put on it.

I can't really remember much of what I first uploaded likely a load of Van Morrison (more about him on alter Blip). Two albums that did stick in my mind, and when I hear the songs always remind me of this holiday, they just seemed to fit perfectly with moment, were Zero 7's The Garden and Beck's Guerro. Two fantastic albums for long lazy summer days.

I had a fantastic time in Portugal, the football team were having a great run in the world cup, there was a great atmosphere around the place the whole time.

Ironically, on a walk one day, I stumbled accross a little record store, I couldn't walk past. I went in and bought a copy of Miles Davis', Kind Of Blue on vinyl, I didn't own a turntable, but I wanted to buy it for the sake of having it.

So in 2006 I was in the beginings of transferring my music collection to the latest format, whilst buying one of the longest serving formats with nothing to play it on.

Now in 2013, this little IPod has served me well for 7 years, until last week, when the wheel stopped working. I could still click play and next, but it just refused to spin, I had no option to select the music I wanted to listen too, without having to click skip to find the artist or song I wanted. I decided I'd head up to the apple store this weekend and book it in for a service.

And here my original story would end, but on taking my Blip tonight, I had been skipping through the songs to find an appropriate song for the display and capture on camera. Having done so, I seem to have brought the little hamster back to life and once again the wheel is turning.

It would appear that I am in fact, "In The Healing Game".

Please don't all rush forward, I am not the messiah.

Anyway, back to the irony, in 2013, i did get a turntable and for the first time got to play Kind Of Blue on the most loved format, and I have begun a small vinyl collection, out with the new and in with the old I say.

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