Place: St Pete Beach, FL 70/87
Main activity: Tues - dog walking
Notes: Weird dreams and didn't feel super rested again but up and coffee at daybreak. Headed out a few min after 8a to walk the dogs. Stayed awhile after talking to Moira. Bridge views toward the Don leaving Vina del Mar. Talked to Al early afternoon and agreed to go up tomorrow to help him get some groceries and go to lunch. Jerry and Marie came over around 5p to switch out some hardware on the screen door (where I took a chunk out of my finger) but the new piece didn't work. Jerry adjusted my bike gear a little and was able to realign where I knocked out when I fell - so grateful for that! Al canceled as he thought Saundra and Laura were stopping by and then called later to say they aren't and can we go ahead with meeting up.

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