Book Blip

Being Monday I was at the bookshop this afternoon. I didn't do a lot of listing but there were some books to be posted off so I prepared the paperwork, packed the books and headed off for the post office.

Glancing in Nero as I walked past I noticed Ann reading the paper with a coffee so decided to join her as it was so cold in the biting wind. I thought I ought to have a coffee as I was there, and warmed up for half an hour (no pay, no guilt, how irresponsible!).

The queue at the post office was snaking through the shop, why don't they put on extra cashiers when there's demand? I went back to the shop via Bridge Street looking for blips and snapped the book worm on the roundabout, quite appropriate as a book blip I thought.

ps I also took a photo of the United Reform Church and a certain cottage next door. I gave the picture the FrankS treatment ;-)

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