Shining lights

I'm dedicating this blip to Mountainbrew.


It's 4 years today since  the anaesthetic flowed into my viens and I fell away to sleep in a hospital bed not really knowing if I'd be able to walk and climb again when I awoke.

"Why do we fall Bruce?
So that we can learn to pick ourselves up"

Recovery was hard. Physically difficult, mentally challenging. But. Strong people get strong results. And it's not the strength of sinews, muscle and flesh that matters. It's not even a strength of mind. It's the strength you don't know you have till you need it, the strength others lend you, the strength you find you were given long ago, the strength the promise of a possible tommorow holds. 

There were a lot of dark days when I didn't know if I'd make it back, when I was lost to the mourning of what might be gone, unable to appreciate what I still had. 
But I'm lucky, a lot of people, those ever present, those afar and those long gone, a lot of people shone bright and helped me find my way back. 

Ultimately its a choice, the dark can seem overwhelming, all encompassing.  Or we can choose to look for the lights. 

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