A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

We Are Family

For Ria's Birthday-Bonanza-Festival-Celebration Finale, the Family gathered together for the day.

It was a family affair! We had some lovely food thanks to Mum, supped a few drinks, popped some champers to toast Ri's ongoing-never-ending Birthday & had a real hoot in the process!

It was extremely tempting, & I might indeed just do so for my own sadistic pleasure, to amend this photo in some cruel & villainous manor.. but sense & sensibility took over & so here is Monkey, Jenny, Peter, Harry, Mum, Ria, Ian, Sarah, Grandad, Pam & Mick in all their unaltered finery.

A final Happy B to Miss Ri!

And now edge back slowly, & then quietly & calmly make your escape, making no sudden movements. They're normally fairly harmless..

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