
By SC26

One Year

My Dad passed away one year ago today, and I lost one of the most important and fundamental people in my life. I can't believe it's been a year; I have no idea where the year has gone. To Mum and I it feels like it happened yesterday, and that we are still trying to work out how to begin to deal with the course of his illness and him no longer being with us (although it feels like forever since I saw him). It's very hard to begin to understand the absolute finality of the death of someone you love.

The strange thing about anniversaries and significant dates, is that they are essentially the same as any other day; the complete and constant loss that we feel is exactly the same, but these days just really pull everything into very sharp focus.

We spent the day listening to Dad's music and gathered round to watch the F1. We laughed, cried and talked about him all day; celebrating his life rather than mourning his death. I spent a while hanging out in his shed- it's a place I like to go to as I find the familiarity a comfort. We miss him terribly.

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