Well I decided to head up to Glen Sherup near Glen Devon and Gleneagles today to have a wander and get some shots of the snow which thankfully has spared most of the mainland from the problems they have in Arran and Kintyre with power lines down and pylons buckled and poles snapped so pretty wild out there anyhow I set up my remote wireless receiver on the camera for this shot and in rapid setting rattled off a few shots of me throwing snowballs at the camera so remember to duck just in case although I am really throwing a Full Stop out there which will hopefully arrive at the end of my ramblings as I need to take a breath as normally I don't do much punctuation so I have been told by one of my subs Lol you know who you are hahahaha, I will post a few other shots of my day in the snow in my folio under Snow anyhow Here it comes everyone ------->>. PS movie for the day "The Mighty Ducks 1992". :-)

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