It's Orkney Every Time

CMC had a meeting in Kirkwall, so I decided on an Orphir Hills stravaig.  Gruff Hill offered a good point for a break whilst looking over to the Hoy Hills.  For some reason I felt a bit wabbit so it was a boost to see my s-i-l at home.  She had just had her lunch and was about to cut the grass.  I told her I felt faint so she absolutely insisted I went in for a cheese and tomato roll and a big mug of tea with DGs.  She was also tempted back in by the latest hot update news from Hoy, which she had no idea of.  She was also able to confirm that my symptoms were typical of the latest flu jag; she too has been affected after her jag and administering more in the local surgery.

My insurance renews next week – whilst checking it over I see I am now forbidden to drink heavily, play football and go to the ballet.  So that’s my Thursday nights through the mincer.

Life in Scotland has never been the same since 23rd October 2012.  Michael Marra is such a miss.

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