It's a Shame
This used to be my dad's joinery shop. He sold the premises many years ago to an Albanian (I think). He was going to set it up as a café and also sell rugs that he imported over. As you can see it never quite happened. He has let the building go and it is never open.
I have been thinking of Dad a lot over the last week given the nature of the court case that I am a juror on. I has made me even more grateful for the kind of relationship I had with him; appropriate and loving.
It was another really tough day; more witnesses and the summary from the crown prosecution and defence to listen to.
Tomorrow is the Judge's speech then we break to deliberate. Then we are left to get on with our life's with all this in our head.........................
Came home and tried to get on with more furniture building but I couldn't concentrate. Went to bed for a sob and a think.
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