Capsule wardrobe!

A job I've been meaning to do for so long.....sort out my clothes!
I spent the whole day going through everything in my wardrobe and matching garments to make outfits that I know I will like to wear. I guess like most people I have clothes that I always choose to wear and so many things just sit at the back of the cupboard! I've made a conscious effort not to buy any new clothes since I moved here, as I had far too many which I wasn't wearing since I finished work 7 years ago. I've had several clear outs to charity but still clothes were going unworn as I couldn't decide how to match them. I've been reading up lots on capsule wardrobes and so thought I'd go for it. These in the photo are a few of the choices I've made, but there are plenty more. I took photos of them all so I can remember what goes with what! It felt like an indulgent way to spend the day but I felt so good at the end of it. I have a pile of things to take to the community shop on Saturday all of which are perfectly wearable, some I hate to say unworn,  just too big for me now or don't look right so I know I'll never wear them. I also know exactly what I need to buy to complete it all, very little!

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