What a view to wake up to

This is looking across at Bute from our wild camp. Is is deceiving - the sun lasted only a few moments then the drizzle and cloud took over.

We went to Hunter’s Quay to get the boat to the other side of the Clyde. 35 minutes for £38 - you may twice as much for a van as a car. It was more environmentally friendly than driving the extra 60 miles, which would
have been the cheaper, though slower

We got home at 3.45 to sunshine and 21 degrees. I had enough time to do 2 loads of washing and unload the van, put away the few bits of food we had left and then gave a bath before going over to Carole and Phil’s for curry. It was really tasty and a treat to eat with others - Chris was there too. We all did LF tests before, for what they are worth.

#3 daughter saw a GP yesterday and has been signed off work for 2 more weeks. He is not so worried about the heart rate issue but says that the consensus now is that if people do too much too soon they are more likely to get Long Covid. Luke did go back to work but is having dizzy spells.

Every day there are around 38,000 new cases yet almost 90% of the adult population has been double vaccinated. Yet our PM and cronies don’t wear masks. Some outlets have no petrol, there are bare shelves in supermarkets and we are short of workers to pick the fruit and veg. The poorest are losing £20 a week in universal credit and the government tells them to work more hours. Yet nobody seems to care.

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