Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Wabi Sabi ...

which, as I interpret it, is Japanese 'celebrate imperfection'. Since I constantly fall short of my aspirations, see above, and extra, seems like a good summary of the day. And all the days ...

Today was another warm and sunny one - amazing for this late in the year. My planters by the back door have come back into flower, and this is one of them. I think this plant is some sort of petunia, and I do like it. It looks as if I've fiddled with it a bit, but I think the slightly arty effect is due to the angle I took it at, being reluctant to bend right down to its level.

The extra is a rotten shot of a butterfly. Again, I took it from a funny angle, and the sun was in the wrong place. But it is a comma, something that rarely visits us. I thought I saw one last week, and today I was sure I'd got one. I checked with a butterfly webpage to be sure that's what it was, and it said that a comma looks like a tatty small tortoiseshell!!! How mean.

The mariners returned in the afternoon. I fed them and listened to their tales of swells and gales ..... TM seems to have a few cuts and bruises. But they were all smiling.

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