A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Cool Or What?

The saga of my air conditioning finally ends.

After two different companies told me I would have to replace the whole system, at a cost of between 2500 and 3500 euros, I asked for a third opinion.

Richard from Coolwaves said if they could get a new circuit board it would only cost 600 euros.

Unfortunately there was no stock from the supplier, as the system was over 10 years old and not made anymore. Have to have a new system - cost 2500 euros.

After no more than two minutes on eBay, I found a new circuit board in Sydney, Australia. It took less than a week to get here and even with import duty, set me back less than the 600 euros quoted by Richard.

It was fitted this afternoon, the system regassed and now all is working as it should.

Pity I couldn't have done all this two months ago when the temperatures were in the 30s! But at least I saved myself nearly two grand.

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