It would be nice to think it was "Autumn Joy" but its variety is unknown.
All the talk about Chelsea exhibitors having to look to their laurels to find autumn colour (no that's not going to work) for their garden displays made me take a wander around my own garden. Almost nothing!
I have no colour al all in the garden at the moment except for this sedum which is beginning to open for its second autumn with me.
The agapanthus is over, so is the montbretia. My hydrangea didn't flower and I can't seem to grow ecinacea or rudbeckia. I think I don't give them a bright enough positions as most of the garden is in shade.
The best sunny places are on the drive which I cant see from the house and already contains two cars and a caravan. The other alternative is across the south facing aspect of the house which will mean they are in the way of the window cleaners.
I will have to make time to do a lot of rethinking for next spring.
In other news, The Mate thinks we did the best printing we've ever done today and yesterday! Our expenditure on a new printer and profiling device hasn't been wasted, not to mention experimenting with matte paper.
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